Sprinkler Anti-Corrosion
Introduce 98%+ pure nitrogen and DeOxygenated water into the sprinkler system, effectively eliminating internal corrosion and the costs stemming from premature pipe failure.
N2-Blast® generates and introduces 98%+ pure nitrogen into the dry or pre-action fire protection system. In doing so, oxygen, a key contributor to corrosion, is displaced from the piping through the AutoPurge System®. The N2-Blast® effectively inhibits electrochemical, galvanic and micro-biologically influenced corrosion (MIC), as well as freeze-ups and ice plugs.
The silver bullet to inhibiting Wet System Corrosion…! Wet Sprinkler Systems experience interior pipe wall corrosion as a result of the Oxygen-Water interface, which occurs at high points within the piping. There’s one way to put this problem to rest, introduce 98%+ pure nitrogen and DeOxygenated water into the sprinkler system, effectively eliminating internal corrosion and the costs stemming from premature pipe failure.