Flame Detection
Flame Detectors operate in the harshest environmental conditions and offer a solution for virtually any application where there is a fire risk Flame Detectors operate in the harshest environmental conditions and offer a solution for virtually any application where there is a fire risk to personnel and high value plant and capital equipment.
Flame Detectors operate in the harshest environmental conditions and offer a solution for virtually any application where there is a fire risk to personnel and high value plant and capital equipment.
We offer flame detection solutions with fast response times, the best area coverage, the highest immunity to false alarms and all the performance and safety approvals you need. Before you decide you need to know the ‘pros and cons’ of each type of detector as no single detector is suitable for every situation. Apart from hydrocarbon fires, our wide detector range can help with other special fire types eg. hydrogen, ammonia and silane.
Industrial and commercial applications for flame detection include offshore oil and gas platforms, FPSOs, oil and gas pipelines, petrochemical plant, refineries, aircraft hangars, flammable fuel storage tanks, hydrogen filling stations, munitions plants and many more.
To download the application brochure related to Flame Detection in Tunnels click here