Linear Heat Detection
Linear Heat Detection (LHD) is a continuous heat detector designed to detect heat along the length of a sensor cable.
Micro Chip Linear Heat Detection
Linear Heat detection is increasingly becoming the first choice in fire protection, with ever increasing complex application and the potential for loss and down time, the right choice is critical to business continuity. In many applications traditional point type detectors are not used in the way or for the purpose they were designed.
Micro Chip linear heat detection is becoming a preferred alternative for many of these applications. This system from Listec is an intelligent Micro Chip linear heat detection system capable of rapidly and accurately detecting temperature changes of (±0.1°C) along its length (up to 2.8 km), with multiple alarm thresholds including fixed point, rate of rise and pre-alarm. Add that to the systems fast response time, simplicity, flexibility and ease of installation, Micro Chip linear heat detection will become the new bench mark in linear heat detection.
Fibre Optic Linear Heat Detection
In today’s complex industrial environments, the potential for down time and financial losses caused by overheating and fire can be disastrous if not detected and located quickly.
Temperatures are recorded along the sensor cable as a continuous profile and the system is capable of detecting fire and overheat conditions over distances up to 10 km. The Fibre Optic system uses a semi-conductor laser diode and revolutionary evaluation procedures to reliably detect small temperature changes along the length of the cable. Suited to long continuous cable runs, fibre optical heat detection is another weapon in the arsenal of detection products.
Digital Linear Heat Detection
Digital linear heat detection cable is a conventional style heat detector, capable of detecting a fire along the length of the cable. This simple but effective system can be combined with smoke detectors to deliver multi-purpose systems.
The product range consists of a standard two core cable of various temperature ranges, including the only FM approved heat detector for temperatures below 68 degrees Celsius. The XLT type cable has an alarm temperature of 57 degrees Celsius and is purpose built for cool room / freezer environments. Included in the range is a dual temperature sensor cable, and an alarm point locator. Digital linear heat detection is a cost effective and simple way to provide heat detection with continuous detection along its total length.
To download the application brochure related to Linear Heat Detection in Tunnels click here
To download the brochure with more information related to automatic/remote control fire fighting systems click here
To download the application brochure on Water Mist Fire Protection systems for Rolling Stock click here