Marine & Offshore
There may be significant differences in size and usage but all marine vessels, boats and offshore oil rigs have one thing in common, an absolute commitment to avoiding a fire on board.
There may be significant differences in size and usage but all marine vessels, boats and offshore oil rigs have one thing in common, an absolute commitment to avoiding a fire on board. The obvious implications of a fire at sea, coupled with highly flammable materials and compact spaces mean even small fires can be dangerous. The proximity of the galley and the engine compartment to passengers and crew requires dedicated marine fire suppression systems that can automatically suppress offshore fires in an instant.
Fire Protection Technologies offer a wide range of fire detection and suppression systems that are specifically designed and approved to prevent catastrophic fire aboard marine vessels. These systems range from wet chemical and water mist systems to protect the galley to various gaseous and water mist systems to protect engine spaces, as well as specific systems to protect control rooms, communications centres and the like. These fire suppression systems are complemented by a wide range of state of the art fire detection systems to ensure rapid detection and suppression of fires.
Fireboy Gas detection collection:
Fireboy-Xintex, an ISO 9001-2008 company, offers a comprehensive line of gas detection products and accessories. Designed in-house by our team of engineers, these products cover a wide range of marine, transportation and commercial applications. Fireboy-Xintex provides application-specific sensors and monitors that will safely detect carbon monoxide, gasoline, or propane fumes before they reach the hazardous stage.
Carbon Monoxide Detectors:
Carbon Monoxide (CO) is produced wherever fossil fuel combustion occurs, inducing the operation of gasoline engines and heating and cooking appliances. It is invisible, odourless, tasteless and deadly. Faulty venting or even a wind shift can create a dangerous situation, [particularly in confined areas like boat cabins and sleeping quarters].
CO enters the bloodstream through the lungs, blocking the oxygen your body needs. Prolonged exposure to low concentrations or short exposure to high concentrations can be fatal. Typical symptoms of Co exposure can be mistaken for the flu, seasickness, or intoxication, making accurate on board CO detection a necessity.
Gasoline Fume Detectors:
Gasoline fumes in a bilge or engine compartment, with or without a blower fan, have the potential to be a serious risk at any time. Firstly, because fuel leaks create new fumes as rapidly as the blower clears old fumes away. With the fan off, the hazard is increased.
Secondly, the blower fan is typically not operating prior to engine start-up, thus offering no protection from the ignition of fumes be electrical short circuit, battery hydrogen explosion, smoking or their causes.
Fireboy-Xintex offers a full line of gas detectors and accessories to match your specific needs.
Marine Propane Detection:
Propane has become the fuel of choice for cooking and heating. Highly BTU-efficient and readily available, propane is becoming more and more a part of power boating, sailing and camping. Propane is heavier than air and can settle below deck and in the bilge where it can be detonated by an engine start-up or electrical spark of any kind. Fireboy-Xintex® Propane Fume Detectors will alarm when fumes reach 18-20% LEL (Lower Explosive Limit). The Fireboy-Xintex® line of propane products includes everything you need for outfitting a complete and safe propane system.