Fluorine Free Foams

450x350p foam


Fluorine Free Alternatives

Recent legislation passed in Queensland has focused Industry on the removal and destruction of fluorinated AFFF fire fighting foam concentrates containing PFOS and PFOA and replacing them with Fluorine Free Alternatives

Fire Protection Technologies offer a range of Fomtec Fluorine free foam concentrates that have many qualities above and beyond what is currently available to market including; superior performance capabilities, unique chemistry base, lower toxicity levels and low environmental impact. Fomtec are at the forefront of research and development of fluorine foams and have produced a range of Fluorine free foams that are second to none.

Enviro 3 x 3 Ultra Foam Concentrate

Fomtec Enviro 3x3 Ultra is a multi-purpose alcohol resistant fire fighting foam totally free from fluorinated surfactants and polymers.

Enviro 3x3 Plus Foam Concentrate

Fomtec Enviro 3x3 Plus is a multi-purpose alcohol resistant fire fighting foam totally free from fluorinated surfactants and polymers.

Enviro 3x6 Plus Foam Concentrate

Fomtec Enviro 3x6 Plus is a multi-purpose alcohol resistant fire fighting foam totally free from fluorinated surfactants and polymers.

Enviro 6x6 Plus Foam Concentrate

Fomtec Enviro 6x6 Plus is a multi-purpose alcohol resistant fire fighting foam totally free from fluorinated surfactants and polymers.

Transitioning to fluorine free foam

As a result of continuing global concern on protection of the environment, several Australian States have introduced legislation that requires the phaseout of fluorinated fire fighting foam concentrates. These foam concentrates are commonly known as AFFF or FFFP. The transition to Fluorine Free Foam (F3) is much more complex than simply draining the foam storage tank of one foam concentrate and pouring in a F3 foam concentrate. Every fixed foam fire suppression system will require engineering changes to ensure that the level of fire protection is not diminished.

Fomtec Enviro-ARK

Fomtec Enviro ARK is a novel multi-purpose alcohol resistant firefighting foam concentrate totally free from fluorinated surfactants and polymers.

Fomtec Enviro USP

Fomte c Enviro USP is a novel fluorine free firefighting foam totally free from fluorinated surfactants and polymers.

Class A

Class A Safety Data Sheet

LS xMax

LS xMax Safety Data Sheet


MB-20 Safety Data Sheet

Enviro 3x3 Ultra

Enviro 3x3 Ultra SDS

Enviro ARK

Enviro ARK SDS